Friday, January 20, 2012

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Friday, January 13, 2012

What To Wear With Knee High Boots?

!±8± What To Wear With Knee High Boots?

Cold weather gives us a lot of problems, that we have to work with every day, but luckily there a re some things, that we can always look forward to, that we will be able to wear in winter. Knee high boots are a thing like that, because you do remember the feeling of warmth and the great appearance of your legs, when you wear them?

It does not really mater, if you are wearing a short or a long skirt; knee high boots are always the thing that you should wear to them. If you decide to go with a short skirt, your legs will still remain warm, and the boots will hide all the small mistakes, that you always see on your legs. On the other hand, if you have knee boots with at least a small heel, they change the appearance of your legs, making them look smoother, skinnier and more muscular. This way you look even better as if you would do in the summer. A long skirt is also a great decision with knee high boots, because the boots will make you look feminine and full of self-esteem.

Of course, if you are not a fan of skirts, it is a great idea, to use the boost with your regular jeans. Tuck them into the boot, and they will again show your feminine side. Be careful when you pick out the jeans that you are going to wear with the knee boots, because they really need to be as your second skin. If they are too loose, then we see something that is called the "balloon" effect, when the jeans get stuffed together just at the end of the boot.

If you have a bit wider feet, you should consider buying knee high boots that are made out of a softer material, so that they will adapt to your legs and feet. It can be a bit harder to put the boots on, but if you put them on just like you put on you stockings, then they will fit. Just scrunch down the shaft and put your foot inside and then pull up the shaft. It is much easier to put them on this way. On the other hand, if you have skinnier legs, then you should buy boots with a bit of structure, such that can stand up by themselves. This way they will give additional structure to your legs. You can wear your high heel boots for work and then directly go out for a dinner party. The more heel, the more feminine your whole figure will look.

What To Wear With Knee High Boots?

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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Skirt dance

WARNING: I have no rhythm . I am no fashion guru just modest ideas for modest attire with a little dance. Music:Esperanza Spalding-Really very small

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